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Wellness Whispering is our specialty:

We start by listening to you...

Then we listen to the healing wisdom of your body & soul...

Consciousness broadcasts a healing information field...

Information directs the patterns of biological energies...

Energies determine changes in biochemistry...

Over time, biochemical changes alter the structure of life...

  • Your body knows what it needs to do to heal itself...

  • You get stuck when something is missing...

  • We know how to listen and interpret...

  • We supply all the right materials, energies and blueprints...

    Start healing 12 times faster than you age...

Heal Like You're Younger Again...

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Discover the Clinical Theory™ of Everything... 

Find Your Next Remedy Match™ Through Biofield Analysis™...

Access Energetically Correct™ Functional Formulations™...  

  • 42,505+ Clients Served

  • 55+ Years Experience

  • 2511+ Students

  • Featured in People Magazine testing 'The Lovely Carol Merrill from Let's Make a Deal

  • Featured in USA Today: Revolutionizing the World of Medicine with Natural Therapies

  • Featured in Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide

  • Featured in Dartmouth Alumni Magazine: How to Improve Your Vision Naturally

  • Co-Author of Natural Eye Care: An Encyclopedia

  • Featured in Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide

    A Proven Process To Identify Your Remedies

    Access our proprietary Biofield Analysis process with healing systems like Nutri-Energetic Systems, Zyto Remote, EVOX,  and CoRe Inergetix.

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    Your Roadmap to Accelerated Self Healing...

    We'll help you find the healing technologies you need and show you how to implement them in your home or office. Nobody in their right mind wants to go to a hospital to try to get well...

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    The Clinical Theory of Everything Shows You the Way...

    Learn how to easily rate your symptoms and diagnoses so you'll know when changes are for the better or worse. Also learn why you doctor may only offer you half of the possible treatment options - the half that are regulated by law because they do harm... and how you can tap into the safe and effective healing powers of nature that your body craves...

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    What People Like You Are Experiencing...

    Meet some clients who have tried our transformative healing system...

    I’m so, so thankful for seeing some encouraging results with actual healing of tissue… A low tension glaucoma patient seeing documented recovery of some visual fields and also assistance with seeing lens clarity improving nicely and overall just general health improvement, so it’s been a great, great addition to my practice, having Dr. Glen and Rae being consultants and help patients… They are so appreciative of both of their expertise, but also kindness and concern, and just desire to help the patients out..."

    Todd Wylie, O.D.

    Washington State

    Today I would say that my chronic pain is reduced 90% from what it was before I started doing EVOX. And what I love about working with Glen is that he’s not just looking at one thing, or trying to fix one thing. He’s looking at your whole body… He’s looking at your physical body, but also your emotional body and your spiritual body, and trying to heal the whole thing. I would recommend the work that Glen does to anyone. I’ve had so much healing from the help they’ve given me, so I would recommend them to anyone…”

    Joy Dettling

    North Carolina 

    Energetically, things are being blessed and there is a deep level of care and compassion and love that is put into his treatment... A revolutionary way of treating: It’s working WITH the body… It’s approximately 6 months that I’ve been on the treatment, and it’s just unbelievable, unbelievable, remarkable accelerated healing. And it’s an amazing feeling to experience your body doing it’s own healing, and to experience a level of life energy in your body. It’s very, very powerful. I feel very blessed and grateful to have stumbled upon this...”

    Greg Suterra

    New Jersey

    I’ve been absolutely fascinated every single time I get the results because I would say 100% of the time every single thing that comes up in terms of priority areas I need to focus on are also areas that I’m personally working on...

    I’ve noticed, and my therapist has noticed as well just how fast I’ve been able to make breakthroughs...

    And one of the things that I noticed right off the bat when we first went into lockdown was I started getting migraines. And I never get migraines... So, the supplement Stress Release is one that I’ve added to my daily tool kit. I kid you not: Once I started taking it my migraines went away and they’ve never come back...

    I’ve had a hard time falling asleep because I was working really late at night, and it’s just really hard to turn off my mind... to slow it down. So, I often found myself having really restless sleep. So, I started using Sleep Synergy, which is a supplement they have that really helps calm down and slow down the mind. And then along with their nightlight which has been amazing! I kid you not - I usually am tossing and turning in bed for an hour. When I started using the nightlight coupled with the Sleep Synergy, I am in bed and in a deep sleep within 10 minutes. I wake up very refreshed. Whether or not I have like 8 hours, it feels like 8 hours... it’s such a deep and restful sleep, I feel like just very restored and alert in the morning versus really groggy and slow."

    Alyssa Fukushima


    I had early Macular Degeneration. I’m thinking to myself, “I’m healthy... What the hell is Macular Degeneration?” So I started reading about it and I went through this absolute terror. I mean, when you read things in Google, there’s no help on the way at all...

    I can’t believe it... It’s like I’ve got some degenerative disease, just like my father did? My father died of a degenerative disease. My mother was degenerative all the way. I did all these things to prevent all that...

    I went on this path and I realized that you can heal it, but I was still really blocked, and frustrated, and confused. You know, I was doing all good things. I was doing all these good herbs, and acupuncture, and red light therapy, and all this stuff, and I went back to an eye doctor in January of this year, and he said that I still have it, and I was expecting the news that I didn’t have it. So I went deeper into it and a friend of mine introduced me to Glen and Rae...

    From working with them, I have actually been a lot calmer, even when I have not a good day I’m still calm, and I feel OK. There’s like this sense of grounding....

    Rae talks to you. She’s just soothing and really intuitive and has given me some of the best advice I’ve ever had when it comes to calming down and being able to heal...

    Your belief system needs to be altered and changed. And what they do is they work on your belief system. They work on who you are...

    You’re not your genetics. And you’re not somebody that’s destined for something...

    I lived in Los Angeles for 23 years. I’ve worked with many healers. I’ve done many alternative medicines. And I can tell you, these two are probably the best people that I have ever been around, because they will not only care for you, but they will listen, and they will give you the things that you need to become whole again, and healthy..."

    David Wygant, Coach


    This video is for anybody who is considering working with Glen & Rae at Healing Oasis over in Hilo, Hawaii. They are really good at what they do. And that’s what I’m here to tell you about. Not only do they have really high quality supplements... They have bioavailability factors so that you’re getting the most out of the supplements when you take them... They’re also high quality people, and they do high quality work. In my own experience of working with them, each time they prescribe me my monthly remedies, oftentimes without me telling them about it, they prescribe something that sometimes the supplements have affirmations that go along with them and oftentimes the affirmations and supplements coincide directly with my own process that I’m going through in my life. And it’s really astounding how accurate they are in what they do...

    I have had many times curative reactions to taking the supplements, so I feel a tingling sensation maybe on my head, and it will move down through my body and out my feet. Sometimes my joints will turn red for like 5 minutes or something and as things move downwards and out my feet. And when that happens, it’s not painful or anything, but that’s a curative reaction. It’s not something that is symptom palliation. It’s a real healing happening. It’s something being cured at the root of where it comes from. And it’s moving out the bottom of your feet because it’s being released, and you don’t get that when you just take regular supplements. These are really high quality. And not only that, but they’re targeted in just the right spot for you and what you’re going through. So, that being said, I recommend working with Glen & Rae..."

    Wes, Healer


    Get Started...


    Discover my writings that have helped many people like you find hope and help...

    Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide

    This book highlights 380 leading edge physicians. The chapter on Vision features Dr. Glen's work at the Remission Foundation restoring vision and health...  “If you are interested in alternative medicine of any kind, and want the security of authenticity in this field, you’d better get Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide.”

    Deepak Chopra, M.D.

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    Natural Eye Care: An Encyclopedia

    Doctor of Optometry and Acupuncturist, Marc Grossman brings exercises and herbs from Oriental Medicine together with Dr. Glen's nutritional and botanical healing in this comprehensive resource book. "Natural Eye Care puts together the whole picture on eyesight.”

    Dr. Jack Soltanoff

    Author, Natural Healing

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    End Blindness 2020

    One of our key goals has been to find solutions to the underlying causes of blinding eye diseases by the year 2020. Thousands of people have used our books on the leading causes of blindness in the world to help reverse their degenerative conditions. These books are the best selling books on natural therapies for eye disease, including:

    Healing Glaucoma

    Cataract Solutions

    Macular Degeneration... ...Macular Regeneration

    Dry Eye Relief

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    © Copyclaim 2023

    Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

    [email protected]

    PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

    +1 (808) 217-9647

    [*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.